Photos from the field
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DC-8 (LASE):
DLR Falcon:
Side view in hangar |
NASA Proteus:
Side view with cover off |
Rear view |
Naval Research Laboratory P-3 (Leandre):
Being serviced |
Taking off |
University of Wyoming King Air:
On the way out |
Inside the cockpit with touchscreen display (right) |
Typical morning pilot briefing |
Never-ending last minute flight planning... (Gerhardt Ehret from DLR Falcon pictured in center right) |
Left to Right: Dave Parsons, Brigitte Baeuerle, Aditi Kapoor (all from NCAR) at the NRL P-3 office |
Ed Browell (left) and Syed Ismail (right) of NASA Langley's LASE team plan the DC-8 route |
Peggy LeMone (NCAR) |
Bob Grossman (CoRA) (left) and Mike Hardesty (NOAA ETL) (right) | U. Wyoming King Air team from left to right: Wayne Sand (pilot), Don Cooksey (pilot) and Glenn Gordon (scientist/technician) |
Sunset at the NWA Analysis Center, Norman, OK